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P11 elbow

P11 elbow

Product description: The radius of P11 elbow determines the resistance of the pipe during bending and forming. Generally speaking, the pipe diameter is large and the bending radius is small, so it is ve...
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P11 bend pipe shall realize "one pipe and one mold" and "multiple pipes and one mold" as far as possible. For a pipe, no matter how many bends and the bending angle, the bending radius can only be one, because the pipe bender does not replace the module during the bending process, which is "one pipe, one mold". "Multiple pipes and one mold" means that pipes with the same diameter and specification should use the same bending radius as far as possible, that is, use the same set of modules to bend pipes with different shapes, which is conducive to reducing the number of modules

The radius of P11 elbow determines the resistance of the pipe during bending and forming. Generally speaking, the pipe diameter is large and the bending radius is small, so it is very easy to wrinkle and slip when bending, and the bending quality is difficult to protect. Therefore, it is better to use the R value of the bending die as 2-3 times of the pipe diameter

Bending and forming speed of P11 elbow

The main influence of bending and forming speed of P11 elbow on forming quality is: too fast, it is easy to cause the flattening of the bending part of the conduit, the roundness can not meet the requirements, and cause the pulling crack and breaking of the conduit; If the speed is too slow, it is easy to cause the wrinkling of the catheter and the slipping of the compression block, and the pipe with large diameter is easy to form the depression of the bending part of the catheter. According to a large number of tests on these two CNC pipe benders, it is appropriate to determine the bending speed of the pipe as 20% - 40% of the machine's large bending speed

During the bending process, the mandrel of P11 elbow mainly plays the role of supporting the inner wall of the bending radius of the conduit to prevent its deformation. If the mandrel is not used for the bending forming of domestic pipes on the machine tool, its quality is difficult to protect. There are many types of mandrels, such as column mandrels, universal single, double, three and four ball head mandrels, directional single and multi ball head mandrels, etc. In addition, the position of the mandrel also has a definite influence on the bending forming of the tube: theoretically, its tangent line should be flush with the tangent line of the bending die, but a large number of tests have proved that 1~2mm in advance is better, and the bending quality is ideal at this time

Operation of P11 elbow

1. When starting the machine tool, pay attention not to let the human body enter the range of the rotary arm

2. When the machine tool is working, all personnel are prohibited from entering the space swept by the rotary arm and pipe fittings

3. The hydraulic system of the machine tool uses YA-N32 ordinary hydraulic oil (original No. 20), which is normally replaced once a year, and the oil filter needs to be cleaned at the same time

4. When adjusting the machine tool (mold), the adjuster should press the button to adjust. Abiding by the contract can be adjusted by one person on the machine tool and operated by another person on the control cabinet

5. Remove the core rod when adjusting the machine tool or driving the empty car

6. The pressure of hydraulic system shall not be greater than 14Mpa

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  • Phone:+86-0317-6811238

  • Phone:+86-18303170017(Ethan Liu)

  • wechat:15031897777

  • E-mail:info@wrpipefitting.com

  • Address:Muzhuang Industrial Zone, Mengcun Hui Autonomous County Cangzhou City,Hebei Provice, China

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